J started a paying baby-sitting gig which is awesome. It's just the miracle we needed to get the bills paid and not feel like we are drowning in bills. I feel so relaxed about it now. Chicago is expensive, but it's where we are now, and I like it here, but I also do think that it would be easier to do this if we lived somewhere cheaper. I have 3 jobs here though, and one of them, 2 of them actually, is pretty hard to come by. I am a service dog trainer. and that's not an easy job to get. I also hold a job in a university, and most unis have a firing freeze right now due to the economic crisis. a few months ago, or maybe even a year ago now (where does the time go?) we were considering moving to MN. Then the crisis broke and there was no hope for a job. I'm glad we didn't move. J and p have all kinds of friends and i have my dream job working with service dogs.
In baby news, little 18 month old had a rough night last night. J is trying to nurse him less at night, but sometimes he gets up and wants to nurse right away. Since he sleeps with us, and is very insistent, there is no sleeping when he wants to nurse and the answer is no. So last night, so J could sleep, I packed him up and we slept on the couch with some water. He resists transitional objects, so i brought his small red furry monster, but he wanted nothing to do with him. "No" he said. But he cried every time I tried to take away the sippy. So I ditched it after he fell asleep. For those of you reading and worrying about P's safety on a couch, please don't. He was safe, and had plenty of room, and we have done this before. He slept from 2 till 643. That's how long I slept too. Initially, he had slept from 9:30 till 1:30. Sleep is hard again. That's what I get for thinking it was easier.
I have an extra dog this weekend. A service dog I'm re-training.

Well, for a busy mom, I've certainly said more than I thought I would today.
One last thing, I clearly remember what 9/11 2001 was like, and I wish I could hug everyone who is saddened by the disaster. I guess I will just have to remember them and hope that helps a little somehow. I hope peanut never has to experience a day like that.

Have a great weekend y'all and if you're reading, shout me out a hi, even if you usually lurk. I'm wondering who reads and I have no way of knowing unless you comment.

That's so awesome that you train service dogs. What a rewarding job! I hope you have a great weekend!
How awesome to train dogs!
We have that exact same spoon in that profile picture of him at the top of your blog. I may have told you that before.
Are those his pants in that picture that he insists on wearing?
He is so adorable! I hope sleeping gets easier.
Just snuck in via Mommy With a Wanker (or something) and I'm accepting your invitation to say hello.
Love the guide dog thing. Dogs with jobs, is there anything cooler? I dare say not.
hey there, it's Liz. Glad J got something to do and someone for penut to play wit. Glad you are feeling better about staying now.
It's nice to read that other parents allow their children to sleep with them as well. It seems to be such a taboo thing now days, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Also, congrats on 10 years!!! We celebrate our 10 year anniversary this Feb. It's been a tough and long road, but well worth the commitment... ;-)
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